Top 10k strings from Utility2 (1989)(Chezron Software).z80 in <root> / bin / z80 / software / Sinclair Spectrum Collection TOSEC.exe / Sinclair ZX Spectrum - Utilities & Educational / Sinclair ZX Spectrum - Utilities & Educational - [Z80] (TOSEC-v2007-01-01) /

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   1 u2.bas    X)
   1 dafter goto
   1 daft gosub
   1 Utility2 will only
   1 Use the horizontal cursor keys to alter first/last line
   1 Try moving subroutine
   1 The utility will always generate the report
   1 ;"Press a Key... "
   1 ;"Loading ""u2""
   1 ;"7)-- TRY IT OUT."
   1 ;"6)-- 128K Basic."
   1 ;"5)-- Renumber."
   1 ;"4)-- Printer Driver."
   1 ;"3)-- Block Delete."
   1 ;"2)-- Test Card."
   1 ;"1)-- General Information."
   1 / LOAD ""u2"" SCREEN$ :
   1 .  It will never reach the return  on the next line which is just  as well as you might have
   1 **  Utility 2 info   **
   1 **  Renumber
   1 **  Printer Driver   **
   1 **  Block Delete
   1 **   Test Card
   1 **    General Info   **
   1 **    128K Basic
   1 ) R E N U M B E R
   1 "sillyprog"
   1 "I N S T R U C T I O N S"
   1 " P R I N T E R  D R I V E R"
   1 "   N O T E S   O N  1 2 8 K"
   1 "    B L O C K  D E L E T E"
   1  program."
   1  program, then it will look a bitmessy as it has neat subroutinesat 1000, 2000  etc."
   1  printer."
   1  guessed it can renumber all of  the program or just part of it."
   1  [email protected]" 
   1  display the first two lines of  text in a basic program. You'll never see this bit.
   1  destination in steps of 1. So   press ENTER and a red spot
   1  deleted it!
   1  convert the other way."
   1  appears indicating that steps of100 will be used.
   1  and of course, the inevitable
   1  alter by hand.
   1  affected by the Renumber."
   1  Utility2 Information 
   1  Thefollowing won't be renumbered"
   1  T E S T  C A R D"
   1  Should your program have any of the others  then it's curtains but watch    this space. Just as utilities   exist to squash Basic it should be possible to write one to
   1  Report bugs to
   1  PRINT USR 16384"    
   1  GO TO a*1000"
   1  GO TO VAL ""line number""   construct."
   1  G E N E R A L  I N F O."
   1  And then some."
   1  Alphacom 32 to list programs.   Extra keywords are included."
   1  7000 to 9000
   1  "u2 occupies 2K of machine code  which loads to the top third of the screen  and  begins  by re- locating itself to the bottom   third where it remains hidden   behind matched attributes."
   1  "u2 is menu-driven. Options are  selected using the cursor keys  and activated by pressing ENTER"
   1  "u2 is fully compatible with 128KBasic so you can use your
   1  "i.e. GO TO, GO SUB, RESTORE,    LIST, LLIST and SAVE LINE   >>>" 
   1  "You can use the Renumber  with  this program but not with most  OUTLET programs."
   1  "You can adjust the increment    between lines and also the startline."
   1  "When you get close, press ENTER again and you're back to single steps. Then just renumber and   your program starts 1000,1010...etc."
   1  "What you can do is renumber the subroutines including the one   that's running now (5000)."
   1  "Utility2 is a screen-resident   tool which performs operations  on a selected  range  of  line  numbers.    It features a Block Delete, an Alphacom 32 printer  driver and a Renumber program."
   1  "Use the horizontal cursor keys  to adjust the first and last    lines. Then move the green bar  to Delete and press ENTER."
   1  "To prevent the editor deleting  the program as it redraws the   screen select the Screen option."
   1  "This will send the selected linerange to a ZX/Alphacom 32 type  printer."
   1  "There's a slight chance that a  renumber could run out of memoryin which case the menu bar will turn red and you should return  to Basic."
   1  "The two lines and all lines in  between will be removed."
   1  "The step between lines defaults to 10 and although it's unusual to employ a larger step, you    might like to reduce it to 1, 2 or 5. Go larger if you wish. :) " 
   1  "The renumber will have worked   but in one or two places the    utility will have had to use the
   1  "The program was first published in OUTLET microdrive magazine   Issue 22, June 1989. It is PD.  No liability for loss of data isaccepted.
   1  "The last one you can always
   1  "The Alphacom prefers bold text  and in order to make this more  readable white space is insertedbetween lines."    
   1  "The 128K syntax FORMAT LINE 9600will be incorreclty renumbered. Use FORMAT LINE VAL ""9600""."
   1  "Text may be indented by pressing< or > when the bar is over the word Format."    
   1  "Some options are pretty powerfuland at the top of every menu is something mostly harmless."
   1  "So, to renumber your program in steps of 10 just move straight  to Renumber and press ENTER.    However if the first line numberwas 1, you'll now have 1,11,21  etc."
   1  "So have another go but this timealter the destination number,   which defaults to the first linenumber, to 10.(Use < >)."
   1  "Simply set the first/last lines THEN adjust the destination and step, select Renumber and  wait."
   1  "Remember you can use the lister and Block Delete with any
   1  "Program finished"
   1  "Now here's the best bit. Just asBrian Cavers requested in Issue 12 of OUTLET, u2 can move basic lines past other lines to a new location."
   1  "Note also that all references tolines after the program will be changed to 9999 and any to line 0 will not be altered."
   1  "Just set the first line to 5000 and the last line to the one    before 6000, select a step and  away you go.
   1  "It is very easy to use. There's no need to alter RAMTOP before  loading and only the four cursorkeys and ENTER are used."   
   1  "If you'd like the program to    start at 1000, then it would be quite tedious to alter the
   1  "If you want to move lines, but  don't wish to  alter  the  step between lines, select a step of 0."
   1  "If you simply renumber this
   1  "If the renumber or move fails   then lines greater than 9999    would have occured or a clash oflines would have been produced.
   1  "Holding BREAK will stop the
   1  "GO TO VAL ""1000"", GO TO 3E3,  GO TO PI * PI, GO TO 70.3,
   1  "Even so, it's preferable to the laborious and error-prone methodof doing it yourself.
   1  "But that's enough . You must be dying to have a go."
   1  "But first the bad news.
   1  "At the top of the main menu is asimple test card which allows   you to adjust your telly."
   1  "At the bottom of the display is shown an estimate of free memory. This will increase when lines are deleted and may also be
   1  "As an experiment, move the linesat 7000 past 8000 to 9000.(the  program will still work.)"
   1  "Any references to line numbers  either internal or external to  the part you are renumbering    will be altered providing they  are simple integers in the range1 - 9999"
   1  "And so to the renumber which is special. As you've probably
   1  "Although simple renumbering onlytakes a few seconds, this task  may take several minutes.
   1  "Alternatively use
   1  "A choice of the default and a   bold font is provided and the   two versions may be toggled by  pressing ENTER."
   1  "  LOAD ""u2"" SCREEN$"''"To use enter"''
   1  "    INPUT USR 16384"''"Press a key to load..."
   1     or "OK"
   1     "To load use"''
   1     "This module will display the    first and last lines of your    program. As a safety measure thewhole program can't be deleted."